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South Shore Mental Wellness Associates

The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.


 Carl Jung

Why South Shore Mental Wellness Associates

We do not see you as a constellation of symptoms that need to be removed.  We see  you as an individual that needs to find your meaning and purpose while exploring parts of the shadow  that need to come to light.

Sitting in the room with a psychotherapi
Sitting in the room with a psychotherapist.png

A variety of treatment modalities availabable

In person or online sessions available

Works closely with acupuncturists and reiki healers

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“As the ego does not represent the whole psyche, so the Western mind cannot speak for the whole world.”
― James Hillman, Philosophical Intimations

I am a Board Certified Psychiatrist with over 35 years of experience.  Over the past 20 years I have seen my focus change from the use of medication to viewing the individual from a holistic point of view.  I am a Certified in Jungian Psychotherapy, Meaning Centered Psychotherapy with a specific interest in Mindfulness, Acceptance and Depth Psychology.



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Individual Psychotherapy

Offering Depth Psychology and Shadow work.  As part of these sessions we work with Dreams and Journaling

Mindfulness and Acceptance Therapy

The ability to accept life on life's terms is a basic tenant of wellness.  Using mindfulness tools we explore the path to acceptance.

Tarot Therapy

Using the Tarot is a valuable tool in exploring our shadow and looking for parts of the collective unconscious that  influence our lives.

We cannot change anything until we accept it. Condemnation does not liberate, it oppresses.

Carl Jung


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